Suitable for Human, Stock & Pet feed use.

Grape fibre is a natural product made from grape pomace generated from juice pressing operations across Australia. Grape fibre is a high-quality source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. Grape fibre can be used as an ingredient in the human and animal food markets and it contains one of the highest percentages of polyphenols (anti-oxidants) of any fruit. It also contains a number of vitamins and minerals as well as being a good source of protein.

Typical Analysis of Grape Fibre

Protein 17.45%
Ash 3.18%
Calories Total 400 kcal/100g
Carbohydrates Total 70%
Total Dietary Fibre 50%
Polyphenols 45 mg/gram
Total Natural Sugars 10%
B-carotene 8,500IU/100 g
Total Vitamin A 8,000 IU/100 g
Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid <0.5 mg/100g
Calcium 450 mg/100 g
Iron 30 mg/100 g
Sodium 25 mg/100 g
Total Saturated Fatty Acids 1%
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 2%
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids < 1%


Grape Fibre


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